Q-Launcher now launches pre-prepared questions

Q-Launcher now launches pre-prepared questions

12 Jul 2013        Xorro-Q

The latest Q-Launcher for Windows takes the next big step for real-time sessions:

Up until now, activities prepared in advance (using QF.xorro.com) could only be run from the QF site. Now, the desktop Q-Launcher allows the Facilitator to select pre-prepared activities (such as quizzes, surveys etc) and line them up ready to launch, on command, during the session. Questions (and batches) can be launched independantly on consecutively: it's all up to the facilitator in the session!

So - how does this change things? Well: imagine starting every session with a three-question activity to quiz the group; then carry through the learning materials using the launcher to ask instant questions on demand; finally end the session with a quick check to see how the group has learned.....

Currently this is only available in the Windows version of the Q-Launcher. We expect to have the same functionally within the MacOS version by September.

Coming up: The next step for Q-Launcher involves incorporating the real-time Leaderboard functionality just recently made available off the Running page of the QF site. Leaderboard provides a motivational dimension to any activity, displaying the top participants' scores, and identifying fastest respondent as well. Participants receive their personal scores and placing on their screens. Naturally, the facilitator can elect how this feature is utilised (or else can choose to not use it at all).