New question types available to Xorro-Q users

New question types available to Xorro-Q users

21 Apr 2013        Xorro-Q

Xorro-Q's activity server now offers subscribers a widening range of question types.

Xorro-Q's original question type selections include multiple-choice question (single selection or multiple selection) and open text answer questions. Since late March 2013, subscribers have noticed the following additional types when creating activities in Xorro-Q's QF service.

  • "Information" prompts can be added at any point in an activity, allowing the facilitator to introduce an activity, or thank respondents at the end of an activity;
  • Numeric questions permit and score numeric responses;
  • A range of Lichert scales can now be associated with any five-way multi-choice (single response) question.

Feedback and scoring options have also been delivered at the same time.

The following new developments are now being worked upon:

  • Addition of images to question body and / or to options for all question types;
  • New Image response question type, requiring respondents to select and submit an image;
  • New clickable image question type will require respondents to click on a location in the image.