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Rehearse activities


Rehearse provides experiential learning based on practice, so your students can build a deeper understanding around core structures concepts.

Rehearse activities typically bring together a range of problems associated with a specific structural setting. Problems commonly concern reaction forces and moments, Bending Moment and Shear Force diagrams, axial loading, buckling, deflection of loaded structures, and a lot more. A range of question types are used, including multiple choice, numeric and text response, label questions, graph drawing and deflection sketching. Activities are organised into topics and in three levels of difficulty depending on their conceptual demands.

The activities and the questions within them are useful as homework activities or as live in-class activities. Rehearse automatically assesses contributions and provides helpful feedback. You might choose to try the in-class leaderboard as a way to lift engagement!

All participant response data is saved for you to extract through a Gradebook; otherwise you also choose to have the data automatically feed into your Learning Management System (eg Canvas or Moodle etc) via LTI.

We have built Rehearse to make teaching and learning makes Structures enjoyable and more intuitive. Try our free sample now, and see what the University of Auckland’s engineering students are talking about.

Beam Analysis

The following sample activities provide a quick preview of a few of the problems from Rehearse’ library of beam challenges.Problems range in difficulty based on the depth of conceptual understanding needed and their complexity.

The first time you try one of these samples, you’ll be asked to login using your email address. You are welcome to “play” the samples repeatedly to improve your score, or to pass this url on to others.

Rehearse - Simply Supported Beam example
Simply supported beam with offset point load. Trace the expected centreline deflection. Calculate reaction forces. Identify orientation of shear forces. Describe & calculate bending moment. Try it…
Rehearse Example: Fixed End Cantilver Beam with UDL
Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load (UDL). Trace the expected centreline deflection. Calculate reaction forces. Identify orientation of shear forces. Describe & calculate bending moment. Try it…
Rehearse Example - Multi span beam
Multi-span beam with point load. Trace the expected centreline deflection. Estimate reaction forces qualitatively. Identify orientation of shear forces. Describe & calculate reactions, shear forces and bending moments. Try it…
Rehearse - Fixed-End Beam example
Beam fixed at both ends. Trace the expected centreline deflection. Calculate reaction forces. Identify orientation of shear forces. Describe & calculate bending moment. Try it…
Rehearse - Qualitative Analysis example
Qualitative Analysis (Deflection problems) Select the expected deflection behaviours for this range of beams with differing spans, supports, loads etc. Try it…


Rehearse provides a range of activities designed to exercise understanding of the behaviour of columns and struts under compressive loads.
These include exercises on Effective Length and Critical Load and on Radius of Gyration. Presented in this sample are some Basic Problems in Buckling.

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These activities are designed to exercise understanding of shear force in structural members, especially the resulting magnitude and distribution of shear stresses in various cross sections.
Sample sections include Hollow Rectangular Beam, I-beam, L-beam,T-beam, and Channel beam.

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