How can I.....Make sure my participants are recognized and organised into groups

By ensuring your Participants are in groups, you can support long term tracking of data contributed by Participants. This in turn enables close monitoring of engagement levels as well as results from the activities.

To set up your groups manually:

  • Browse to the Facilitator web site: 
  • Login using your Xorro-Q login and password.
  • Select "Participants" tab.
  • From the Groups pane in the left of the screen, click "New" to create your group (or class)
  • Add participants to this group….
  • …. either manually using "add participant" for each participant,
  • …. or import a complete class list as follows:  Create an Excel file with all of your participants in it.  Name the first column "First", second column "last", and third column "ID".  Add first and last names and participant id for all of the participants in the class.  Save this file as a CSV file.  Import the CSV file into the group you have created.

To manually add a Group's participants to another Group:

  • Select the source Group 
  • Click the Checkboxes to select its members which you wish to import to another group
  • Click "Add To Group" Button
  • "Add selected participants to group" option appears. Select the target Group/ Groups to which the participants will be imported. Click "Add to Group" button.

To import participants into Groups and Teams using a Participants CSV file:  

See: Importing Participants, Teams and Groups

Categories: Xorro-Q, Admin / IT, Facilitators.