Institution Settings: Participant Login Methods

Institution Managers can set parameters around how participants can access activities.  These parameters include the access options made available to participants when they link to an activity, and the extent to which these are enforced across the institution for all facilitators.  These settings apply institution-wide. Some are preferences which may be over-ridden by a Facilitator, while others enforce a policy for all users.  These policies can have a far-reaching effect on the value of data produced from Xorro-Q. 

The "Participant Login Methods" settings are found through the Xorro Profile Menu, by selecting Xorro-Q Institution Settings (they are displayed in the upper half of the form).  

Address the following four items:

Allow Alias: Checking this allows your Facilitators to permit participants to enter using an "alias".  This is often requested in order to conduct anonymous activities.  However, using alias logins severely constrains the quality of results data collected (see "Consequences of using Alias logins only").

Allow ID: This permits your Facilitators to request an ID of the participants.  Unless this is selected, only alias accesses will be permitted.  This should be selected if you plan to use any longitudinal result data, or if you hope for "unique participant" validity in results collected from an audience, or if you plan to charge fees of participants.  This is strongly recommended.

Default Login Options (Choose one of - ID only, Alias only, ID or Alias, Selected Group only)  Unless you have enabled ID access (above), this will present Alias only as the only choice.  However, if ID is enabled then you determine here how (by default) participants will be asked to identify themselves on following an activity link.  Your facilitators can still over-ride this when launching (ie "running") an activity by selecting an alternative access method.

Activities must have a group:  Selecting this requires your Facilitators to assign an activity to a participant group (ie course) at the time of running the activity.  This significantly enhances the quality of Results data to the institution since data can thus be analysed by group (or course).  For example: Unless this option is ticked, Facilitators will sometimes launch an activity without selecting the course.  As a result it can be very difficult and time-consuming to later determine how many interaction opportunities there have been in a specific course, and the extent to which the enrolled participants responded to these (See: "Engagement Reports").




Categories: Xorro-Q, Admin / IT.