Actions on objects: Moving, resizing (scaling), rotating, changing properties, flipping, stacking, grouping, linking....

No matter what sort of object it is, there are some things you’ll want to be able to do.  You’ll want to move an object from one place to another: just click on it (or touch it), and drag.  For dynamic objects, drag them by clicking or touching on the header (title) bar, and dragging. 

You’ll also want to re-size and rotate objects.  Resizing (or scaling) is the same for static and for dynamic objects.  However only static objects can be rotated in Workbook.

On selecting the object, notice the two handles; the red handle at the lower right lets you resize (or “scale”) the object and the blue one at top lets you rotate it around its own centre.

 If you click the context menu at the top right of the selected object (or right-click the object), you’ll see a menu of actions which can be performed to adjust the object in some way (clone, reflect, link etc).  Notice how the object’s properties are visible at the bottom of this list.

This is a good time to draw your attention to the Properties Toolbar.  This displays for immediate access, the properties for whatever object is currently selected on the page.  See the tutorial video on formatting objects quickly and easily in Workbook: Formatting Objects

Adding sounds and links to objects is especially powerful, as it makes it much easier and more intuitive to navigate around your Workbook.  In this way, clicking on text, or an image on your canvas can launch sounds or other documents and applications, or jump to other pages in this Workbook, or to web locations.

Linking Images   The Power of Linking

Layers:  You can change the z-axis order (or layer) of objects easily, to make them appear "in front" of other objects or be hidden "behind" other objects.  See the tutorial video: Layers & Layering .  You might also like to watch the "Hide and Reveal" tutorial videos for some ideas on how you could use this in class:

Hide & Reveal    Pull Tabs & Question Tabs    Hide & Reveal: Magic Boxes    Hide & Reveal with Categories

"Panning" allows a user to touch and drag over the board to move the page, without actually launcghing objects.  See the video: Panning in Workbook

Working with video:  In Workbook, you can size a video on the canvas (page) just as you would an image or any other object (dragging the control at the lower right).  Workbook allows you to interact with videos in some other unique ways, eg annotating over the top of a video, taking still "snapshots" from the video to the page while the video is running.  See the tutorial video Working with Videos



10-Step Outline to Using Workbook

What is 'whiteboarding', and how does Workbook help?

A Blank Canvas: Page properties, dimensions etc.

Objects on the Workbook Page: using ink, text, lines, shapes, images, videos, animations, web streams...

Actions on objects: moving, resizing (scaling), rotating, changing properties, flipping, stacking, grouping, linking....

Page sorter: working with pages

Cloning pages & cloning objects on your page, and infinite clones

Grids & snapping: Alignment and drawing aids, plus great templates for handwriting & music

Concept maps, Mind maps, Flow charts: Using connectors in Workbook...

Workbook Tools You Need to Discover: Resource Finder, Screen annotation; stamps, cropping, stacking; spotlight; compass & ruler...

Productivity in Whiteboarding: Using custom tools and custom folders; hide-and-reveal activities and how to create them....

Categories: Workbook / AlphaTeach.
Tags: objects.